Thursday, September 22, 2005

All the days are busy

Lordy things are busy right now. Last week I think I spent at least 30 hours on homework.
Today is no different. Wake up, have my tea and jury a show including 45 artists and 225 pieces of artwork, including what is hopefully insightful and accurate commentary.
Got a proposal this week for some freelance work for a new company starting by one of my favorite former clients, lord knows I am no graphic designer, but hopefully I can create something compelling for these smart, talented women. Julian Schnabel just designed a hotel didn't he heh.
Have to get my butt in gear and get another layer of glaze down on my color space#2 project in Painting, trying yet another new medium...And not sure if I like it al all...Tried the Daniel Smith oil/alkyd painting medium in a tube and its still as wet and shimmery as it was last night, that is not amusing to me at all...Ah well, it's all a learning experience.
I was very nervous about my first project, but Claudia and Desire both thought it was successful, there is one area I might alter for next weeks commentary on both exercises. I truly love that class and get so much out of it from my professors and my fellow students. Toting all of the stuff required on Wednesdays gets a little nuts though.
Need to get some sketches in for an etching plate that will be produced tomorrow as well.
Later today am gonna zip down to Grover/Thurston Gallery in Pioneer Square to see James Lavadour's phenomenal paintings so I can write up a little paper for next weeks painting class. Hopefully the traffic won't be too rough so I can get to Drawing Applications on time at 5:00...Love that class, so relaxing to turn on the ipod and just draw from observation for 4 hours. I have been learning a ton from our professor Han. He was a bit hard to understand at first, as he is quite soft spoken but what gifts he has to share!
The biggest challenge of the week (other than making sure 8 million layers of oil glaze are dry for transport by next Wednesday) is coming up with something interesting for the Spoke installation at the Cornish gallery. Not sure If I want to shoot video or do something with the free speech machine, or something all together different.

Then we have a quiz tomorrow in Print (which I should be studying for now instead of writing this lol), a look into my Modern Art History weekly buffet of history and information, this week we have Divionism, the Decadent Movement, Symbolism, and Art Nouveau. Each week we view slides on our own at Artstor (best resource EVER!) and read these amazing essays assigned by our professor Su Job, who is indeed one of the smartest, coolest women I have ever had the pleasure to meet. I am a bit out of practice with my writing, so completing my assigned paper a week on the essays takes me a bit longer than I think it should, but hopefully that will get better as I hone my insight into aesthetic theory and history, and get into the habit of a regular writing practice each week.

I think 5 former clients have contacted me this week, either for formula information, to say hi, or ask me if I was interested in work. I need to get back to a few more.

Time to stop typing, and get on with the business of the day!

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