Wednesday, July 27, 2005


Hard to believe I only have 3 more days at work and then I am finished working as a professional hair colorist. It has indeed been a few years coming.
This weekend should be nuts, have the last day of work on Saturday and the girls return home to Florida at the butt-crack of dawn on Sunday morning. Peace, quiet and a clean house (well cleaNER) will reign once again in our household, huzzah! I can get my mind back again. And the girls are lovely at 8 and 11, but focusing on children completely for 2-3 months of ones life is not something I find fun everyday...I know, I sound like a cold hearted bitch, at least I am honest...If not in real life then here.

It has been bittersweet some days saying farewell to my clients, others I breathe a sigh of relief that I will not see again in a service capacity. Well at least I won't have to touch them again lol. This is much is certain, the next 3 days will be mentally and physically exhausting. I am very much looking forward to not having to use so much steroid ointment just to keep healthy skin on my hands from the onslaught of so many oxidative chemicals. Another Huzzah!

August is going to be nuts, with me helping mom de-junk and sort through a lifetime of memories (my childhood is buried in boxes all over that house). Should be interesting and again exhausting, Heck returning to Cornish should be a breeze after the madness of this summer. I told B that next year I will be in Italy lol.

B and I have been doing great at Weight Watchers, it's really fun to go with your partner. We both did suprisingly well at our weigh-in on Tuesday, considering we had gone up to Victoria B.C. for the weekend with mom. I have such a weak spot for any type of British pastry (think turkey pies and sausage rolls), thank goodness I don't have much of a sweet tooth.

Cleaning my house keeps my sane while the kids are here...It's a constant cycle of me following them around with a mop as they infect my lovely house with dirt and clutter. Well, it might not be that bad but it sounds suitably melodramatic, which is appropriate.

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